互动0自然:灌木蒿海洋 Nature - The Sagebrush Sea

自然:灌木蒿海洋 Nature - The Sagebrush Sea的海报

  • 类型: 自然
  • 出品方: PBS
  • 制片国家/地区: 美国
  • 语言: 英语
  • 首播: 2015-05-20
  • 集数: 1    片长: 52分钟
  • 豆瓣链接: 26417567   IMDb链接: tt4681904

One of the most overlooked ecosystems in the America West is a massive sea of sagebrush that stretches across 11 states. This spartan landscape supports more than 170 species of birds and mammals. Among those that have adapted to survive here are the Greater Sage-Grouse. Today, they must contend with wells and pipelines tapping the resources buried deep below. The sagebrush and...


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