互动0PBS自然:雪猴 Nature: Snow Monkeys

PBS自然:雪猴 Nature: Snow Monkeys的海报

  • 导演: Joe Pontecorvo
  • 类型: 自然
  • 出品方: PBS
  • 制片国家/地区: 英国 / 日本
  • 语言: 英语
  • 首播: 2014
  • 集数: 1    单集片长: 54分钟
  • 豆瓣链接: 26269587   IMDb链接: tt3659718
  • 所属系列: PBS 自然 Nature

From PBS - In the frigid valleys of Japan's Shiga Highlands, a troop of snow monkeys make their way and raise their families in a complex society of rank and privilege where each knows their place. Their leader is still new to the job and something of a solitary grouch. But one little monkey, innocently unaware of his own lowly social rank, reaches out to this lonely leader, fo...


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