互动0核辐射下的狼群 Radioactive Wolves

核辐射下的狼群 Radioactive Wolves的海报

  • 导演: 哈里·史密斯
  • 类型: 自然
  • 出品方: PBS
  • 制片国家/地区: 美国
  • 语言: 英语
  • 首播: 2011-10-19
  • 集数: 1
  • 豆瓣链接: 25847565  

What happens to nature after a nuclear accident? And how does wildlife deal with the world it inherits after human inhabitants have fled?

In 1986 a nuclear meltdown at the infamous Chernobyl power plant in present-day Ukraine left miles of land in radioactive ruins. Residents living in areas most contaminated by the disaster were evacuated and relocated by government order, and...


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