互动0怀俄明州、莫斯塔尔和摩尔多瓦 Wyoming, Mostar and Moldova

  • 类型: 社会生活
  • 出品方: ITV
  • 制片国家/地区: 英国
  • 语言: 英语
  • 首播: 2017
  • 集数: 1    片长: 30 min

Alok Jha visits the forests and parks of Wyoming to explore the science behind the many wild fires that have raged across the western United States this past summer. Julie Etchingham returns to the city of Mostar, twenty years after reporting from there during the Bosnian war, to discover how the city has tried to heal the ethnic divisions brought to the fore by the conflict. Emma Murphy investigates Moldova to see the central role that the country's wine is playing in a complex geo-political game between Russia and the West.

阿洛克·杰哈 (Alok Jha) 参观了怀俄明州的森林和公园,探索去年夏天肆虐美国西部的许多野火背后的科学原理。朱莉·埃钦厄姆 (Julie Etchingham) 在波斯尼亚战争期间从莫斯塔尔市进行报道二十年后,回到了这座城市,了解这座城市如何试图弥合因冲突而凸显的种族分歧。艾玛·墨菲调查了摩尔多瓦,了解该国的葡萄酒在俄罗斯与西方之间复杂的地缘政治博弈中发挥的核心作用。


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