互动0卢浮宫的珍宝 Treasures of the Louvre[纪录片]

卢浮宫的珍宝 Treasures of the Louvre的海报

  • 导演: Alastair Laurence
  • 类型: 艺术
  • 出品方: BBC
  • 制片国家/地区: 英国
  • 语言: 英语
  • 首播: 2013-03-05
  • 集数: 1    片长: 90分钟
  • 豆瓣链接: 21870849   IMDb链接: tt2758088

Paris-based writer Andrew Hussey travels through the glorious art and surprising history of an extraordinary French institution to show that the story of the Louvre is the story of France. As well as exploring the masterpieces of painters such as Veronese, Rubens, David, Chardin, Gericault and Delacroix, he examines the changing face of the Louvre itself through its architectur...

BBC纪录片《卢浮宫的珍宝 Treasures of the Louvre 2013》同主持人安德鲁·赫西一起,欣赏卢浮宫内的珍宝,探寻卢浮宫的历史



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熟肉 腾讯微云 《卢浮宫的珍宝》腾讯微云 全集下载 提取码: d8lrvy

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